![]() Marc Winski is a professional actor/singer/speaker in NYC and a person who stutters. As an actor, he is currently striving to give a voice and be an advocate for people who stutter in theater/film/media/television. Using a large TikTok/Instagram following as a bigger platform, he continues creating content and spreading stuttering awareness with wit and creativity for the stuttering community, a group of people who often go (quite literally) unheard and unseen in our culture. He is helping to give many more opportunities to show truthful representation and inclusivity in our world. |
Do you see stuttering in the world?
Disability and stuttering representation is not seen much in the media…..
Here’s how YOU can help create the change!!!
“Just be exactly who you are” — “Be Yourself — this is how representation is spread”. I love these 2 quotes Marc as they are so simple yet so powerful.
It takes so much courage to be ourselves but when we can start doing so in order to help the overall disabilities and stuttering movement, it can help us power through some of the doubts.
This resonated with me so much because I feel like the past few years I have been operating under the lens that this is not just about me anymore, its about a much bigger community and that is why I need to be more open, authentic, and take action.
Marc you have grown so much the past few years. What is your ultimate objective in your eyes for what you are trying to create with your own journey but also from a societal level?
Thank you for the wondering video!
YOUR growth has been tremendous as well!! To be honest, my hope is to have EVERYONE UNDERSTAND AND ACCEPT STUTTERING ❤️ Both within the community and outside the community as well.
Thank you for this inspiring video!
Always ❤️
I follow you on TikTok and I cannot thank you enough for representing PWS in the media, and represent them in a positive way! Keep doing what you’re doing
Wonderful video, Marc! I appreciate that it has captions and that the captions don’t edit out the stuttering.
Oh My Goodness. I LOVE this message. How Beautiful. I truly believe that in all things people cannot get quality help unless they are truthful. Being yourself 100% is being honest, vulnerable and leads the way to true growth and healing. I love your voice, patience, and effort. Keep it up. You’re making a Difference
Hi! What an amazing message ! Do you have any ideas about what people who do not stutter can do to help create the change?
AMAZING! I love this so much! Thank you for making this, sharing, and for being a part of this conference. You are so awesome. 🙂
“Unlearn the fear to take up your own time”!
Thank you, Marc, for participating in this conference and for your teaching.
Thank you, Marc, for sharing such an amazing message! I think that it is so amazing that you are advocating for PWS in theater/movies/television. Is there anything as a future speech-language pathologist that I can do to help advocate for PWS in the media?
Hello Marc,
Thank you for sharing your outlook of stuttering! I actually have seen your tiktoks prior to watching this video and found them to be so refreshing! I think there was one that stuck with me about what not to do around people who stutter. I remember your advice was to not interrupt and let the person take their time to share their message. Watching your videos are such a great way to bring awareness to a whole different approach to stuttering, “Just be yourself” I couldn’t agree more!
Thank you!
Your videos are always spot on, Marc 🙂
Hi Marc, thank you for showing your true self! I am studying to become a speech therapist assistant and am trying to become more educated and aware of PWS. I admire your positive outlook on stuttering and appreciate your advocacy. How long did it take you to feel confident with your stutter? Did you always feel comfortable talking in public, if not, what helped you get to that point?
Thank you!
Hi Marc,
It is truly amazing that you are using your platform to bring positivity and awareness to others. I appreciate you sharing this amazing video!
Thank you!
Hi Marc! Thank you for sharing such a positive and uplifting message. I love the words “stutter openly, stutter freely.” No one should feel like they need to hide their true self. I currently work as an SLP-Assistant and have kids on my caseload who need to hear your words. So powerful!
Hi Marc,
Great message, as always.
You challenge us to follow suit and remind people we are here and deserve to take up space and be heard. In particular, I think you are paving the way for a generation of young people who need to hear this early in their journeys.
Hi Marc! Thank you for sharing so much positivity and encouraging words!I work as an SLP-Assistant in a school setting and have children on my caseload who stutter. Sometimes, it is hard for them to be themselves around others. I am definitely going to show them this video. What other advice do you have to help these children feel more confident?
Hi Marc! Thank you for giving us this powerful video! I am currently in grad school to become an SLP and I enjoyed hearing from your point of view. I am at an elementary school placement right now and would love to show this video to my older kids. My question to you is how should I convey this message to my younger kids (kinder and 1st grade)? Thank you for speaking out!
Hi Marc! Your smile was contagious throughout this video! Thank you for your inspiring and powerful message. I loved it when you said “be yourself that is how representation is spread.” I am in grad school to become an SLP and will definitely be using this video with my clients who stutter! Is there anything else I can be doing as a person who does not stutter / an SLP to help advocate for representation of stuttering in the media?
Hi Marc! I loved your message! I am currently enrolled in grad school to become a speech-language pathologist. I am thrilled that you are on social media. Showing people that you are a person who stutters is an encouragement to the community and to us as future SLPs. I think as future SLPs we need to give encouragement to our clients, but what better way to encourage them by guiding them to you and this video! Thank you for speaking and sharing. Continue to represent, continue being an inspiration to others, and continue being who you are!
Hi Marc. Thank you for making stuttering not just normal, but also cool! Your videos are so amazing, so empowering, so funny and yet so powerful. I wish I’d seen your videos when I was a kid, as I would have felt so much better about myself back then, when noone else seemed to listen or understand. So keep them coming. And I wish your videos were obligatory in therapy rooms, in class rooms. As you sure make a difference.
Keep talking
Hi Marc! What an amazing message. You are a light to everyone no matter if they are a person who stutter or not. Your words of encouragement will do powerful things for many individuals. As someone who is currently wanting to become a future SLP, you have shown me how to be encouraging and show compassion when encountering a person who stutters. I hope to share this light and bring awareness in the future.
Hi Marc, your message really resonated with me. The energy you are putting out into this world and everyone in this community is inspiring and beautiful. I can truly see and respect your caring nature into wanting everyone to feel comfortable in who they are and how they were made. I love how you mentioned “unlearning the fear,” as I feel that fear is a large set back into letting a person become who they are meant to be. Your words are inspiring to me and everyone around us, thank you.