
How do you advertise that you stutter? — 6 Comments

  1. Hi Pam,

    The short answer is Yes, I would wear that shirt out in public. I need to buy one for myself!

    The longer answer is that on this Journey of ours, there are many steps. Each of us should take those steps at the time that we feel able to handle that particular challenge. Sure sometimes we need to challenge ourselves, push ourselves our of our comfort zone, but we need to do so with self-compassion, and with a sense of worthiness. We are worthy even if we are not up for a specific challenge.

    For me, wearing a T-shirt advertising stuttering is a huge step, as I have not overcome my shame, fear and guilt about stuttering. I have come a long way towards overcoming it, but I still feel those emotions, especially, shame, very strongly. Only fairly recently have I been able to wear t-shirts advertising stuttering.

    Wearing the t-shirt in public has helped me on my way to dealing with my shame, fear and guilt, as I find, as expected, that nothing bad happened when I was out. And speaking of “out”, being open and out about our stuttering is cathartic, as we know.


  2. Hello Pam,

    My answer is a definite Yes!

    For me, I believe that its an easier way to start a conversation on stammering. I even believe that for PWS who are struggling with disclosure, it would be a great opportunity to begin a conversation as people will ask questions.

    About looking frumpy, I don’t think so at all as I am yet to see you in one. Go ahead, and make your next public outting in the SAY shirt.

    I need to get me one myself!



  3. Hi Pam! This t-shirt has very good message what we should spread more out to the world: it is OKEY to stutter. I hear too often as first reactions of people about stuttering being something related to cure or ways to get rid of. We as PWS has an important mission to educate public and other PWS that it is okey to be as who you are and we don`t have to fit in the expectations of societys idea of “normal” speech.

    Would love to hear reactions you got of wearing the shirt in public! Have a good day!
    – Satu

  4. Hi – do you stutter? Or if you’re fluent, would you wear it as an SLP, to perhaps show a client who stutters that there is really to be embarrassed about?

    I was more getting at if people who stutter would be willing to wear it as an advertiser of our stuttering. I think if you are a fluent SLP, it wouldn’t have quite the same effect because you take the shirt off and you’re still fluent; a person who stutters takes the shirt off, and we still stutter. Not trying to be critical at all – I think it would be a great show of solidarity and being an ally for any SLP to wear it.

    By the way, I bought it from


  5. Thank you for that feedback. I think many PWS believe that in order to “fit in” with a society that so takes communication for granted, many PWS (with the help of well intentioned SLPs) work hard to conform, and of course that’s not necessary.

    Everyone should comfortable enough and free to be who we are. At work, in school, in social encounters. Trying so hard to not be a “peacock” in a land of “penguins” can have a disastrous impact on the self esteem of a stutterer.

    Society says, especially workplaces, that differences are valued and welcome, but corporate America (and other countries) really wants everyone to wear penguin suits and not be too different, because people are afraid of the image of “imperfection.” Companies want rank and file employees to file in and follow suit. We who don’t often feel trapped in a vicious cycle – wanting to be our best self but desperately afraid of judgment and rejection.


  6. For sure! I wear the Swedish seagreen ribbon pin and the Franky Banky buttons on my coat and purse. I also have a mug and loads of stuttering t-shirts and I even make stuttering bracelets. 🙂 Showing you stutter, even better with something funny, takes the brake off, both for you and your listener, as they no longer have to wonder what you’re doing, focus on what you’re saying, and you open up for conversation. Win-win. 🙂


    PS. So love that shirt!!! 🙂

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