2022 Talk to PWS
Hi, I am a graduate student and have a question that I did not see asked above! (I could have missed it but I looked twice and did not see it) What is something (advice or therapy technique) that you … Continue reading →
Hi, I am a graduate student and have a question that I did not see asked above! (I could have missed it but I looked twice and did not see it) What is something (advice or therapy technique) that you … Continue reading →
Hi! My name is Morgan and I’m an SLP grad student. From what I’ve learned in class and from the testimonies of PWS, many people have negative experiences associated with stuttering during childhood, such as bullying at school or an … Continue reading →
Hello! Our names are Caroline, Molly, and Jamie. We are speech students and recently read Courtney Margulis’s article “It’s Time to Normalize Stuttering Instead of Praising the Stigma.” How do you think we could normalize stuttering in media/pop culture? As … Continue reading →
In classes we have discussed the frustration and anxiety present from someone saying, “slow down and take a breath and try again,” when a PWS is stuck in a block, repetition, etc. However, I read an article that discusses the … Continue reading →
Hey there! Our names are Angelique Dominguez, Kayla Dewey, and Kristen DeJuilo. We are graduate SLP students at UofSC. We are currently taking a stuttering course within our program. As growing clinicians, it is important to receive insight from the … Continue reading →
I’m an undergrad student majoring in speech pathology, Have you ever had a hard time talking on the phone? and if so how have you overcome it?
Hello! My name is Emily and I am looking to major in speech pathology. I was wondering, how does stuttering affect your daily life? Have you ever been hesitant to go somewhere new or meet new people? Thank you!
Hi, My name is Megan and I am an undergraduate student studying Speech-Language Pathology. I was wondering, what was the most influential thing when it came to accepting your stutter? If you could talk to a younger version of yourself … Continue reading →
Hello! My name is Laney, and I am a grad school student hoping to become a speech-language pathologist. As a future speech-language pathologist, I wondered if speech therapy benefitted you. Why or why not? I want to provide the best … Continue reading →
Do you choose to disclose the fact that you stutter to someone when you first meet them? Do you wait until you get to know them better? Do you think explaining your stutter helps or hurts your confidence in social … Continue reading →