
Speech Therapy — 3 Comments

  1. As a child there was little known about the treatment of stuttering treatment so I did not get the sort of early intervention that is available now in many parts of the world. At age 16 I was introduced to syllable timing speech which like most therapies worked fine in the clinic but I was not comfortable transferring it into the outside world. At age 20 I undertook a 3 week prolonged speech intensive. I came out of that treatment and was totally fluent however suffered from a relapse after a few months. Over the following 10 – 15 years I undertook further prolonged speech courses and after each one my period of fluency grew longer but relapsed eventually after all of them. Through my commitment to being involved in self help groups and continually working on reinstating the effects of prolonged speech I have managed to maintain a high level of fluent speech though my life and have come to learn am amazing amount about the phenomenon of stuttering through my own life experiences in using techniques to pursue fluency. I have tried many other approaches to treating my stuttering. Speech therapy has been amazingly helpful to me throughout my life and I encourage other people who wish to work on their stuttering to seek out a treatment program that will work for you. Unfortunately there are not too many of them.

  2. Hi Baylee

    As a child, stuttering was not a good thing, and should be hidden. Which also implies that my parents didn’t take me to an SLP until I was around 16. This didn’t last long, as this SLP physically abused me. A few years later i tried again and this time I had a nice lady. We spent a year practicing saying the days of the week in one breath, but as I am a saxophone player, this wasn’t really helpful. She would let me talk and she learned about the hurt by other people telling me I was not good enough and that stuttering was my fault. After one year of drinking tea I told her I wanted to try another SLP. Than she threw the bucket of guilt back in my face, telling me it was my fault and that I was just lazy and unwanting to work on my speech. Needless to say I turned by back to speech therapy. I tried loads of other things. All from healing and hypnosis, to wearing a certain stone in my pocket. After I found the stottering community at the age of 27, I also found fantastic SPL and I joined a group of PWS who had training weekends and speech training through Skype, led by a former SLP/PWS, and now by us ourselves. It was a mix of speech techniques and public speaking, using Speaking Circles.That, together with Mindfulness, NLP, more knowledge about you can reprogramme your brain to conquer fear, and relaxation techniques, helped me so much. I also keep learning about different programs and pick what fits me, as programs consist of many parts, and sometimes not all parts fit, but a smorgasbord of things can create the perfect dish. 🙂

    Today I have had the honor to meet the most amazing SLPs, who leave no stone unturned to help their clients that I wish I had met years ago. And your question shows you’re one of them. 🙂

    Stay safe and keep asking

    Anita Blom

  3. Hi,

    It helped me when I met SLP with empathy, who did not copy past techniques adna dapt their therapy to my needs
    It made me come through a block every 2 words to speaking in front of a minister and 400 people easily ahah

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