
Schemas of Stuttering — 5 Comments

  1. What has been extremely helpful for me in building confidence and courage in speaking situations is Toastmasters. I was involved with Toastmasters for 8 years, and earned the highest designation a Toastmasters member can earn – DTM or Distinguished Toastmaster. To achieve that level I delivered more than 75 speeches, participated in leadership positions and mentored other members (who were fluent) and sponsored and coached new chapters of Toastmasters.

    People who do not stutter have similar fears of public speaking, so even though I was the only one who stuttered, the chapter members had similar objectives – to become better communicators.

    The one negative thought I had about my toastmasters experience is sometimes people referred to me as being “such an inspiration.” I don’t want to be lauded for doing exactly the same as anyone else. That kind of fits with “inspiration porn.”


  2. Hi,

    I believe that it is very important to cope with our fears tied to stuttering. Everything I am afraid to do, I do it. I participated to a speech-contest, I was top 3 sales for Bloober campus ambassador competition (overs 150), now I am a project manager in artificial intelligence.
    Most importantly, I created a coaching program on public speaking for people who stutter (PWS). We have worked with 50 people so far. I realised that the biggest challenge is
    1. To show yourself as a PWS, with all your vulnerabilities. You confront your fears, that is not the nicest moment
    2. To blossom, and to go beyond stuttering to show and share who you are, with your stutter but also with every other aspect of your life

    That is a summary. I can talk about this for hours


  3. I think you might find the answers to your questions in my paper for the ISAD online conference. Facing my fears and going back to my most terrifying moments, not just stuttering moments, but also facing my dentist anxiety, fear of heights etc. It’s a lifelong journey, taking news steps every day.

    Stay safe and keep them talking


  4. Many people who stutter have reported great success in reshaping their thoughts about themself as a person who stutters by joining a local Toastmasters group. This allows the person who stutters to build their speaking confidence in a supportive environment. Many have gone on to become very confident speakers despite their stutter. people who stutter have even formed their own Toastmasters group. In some countries. In addition, many people who stutter have found a great deal of self acceptance from joining a local stuttering support group. Their are stuttering support groups in most countries of the world these day. SLPs can assist their clients by encouraging their clients to join these types of group where one can come to understand they “I am not alone” in my struggle with accepting my stutter and/or working on trying to gain greater levels of fluency.

  5. Hello,

    The situation that shaped my mindset of stammering was when I decided to seek help for my stammer and I did not find any support group in Ghana.At that moment it dawned on me to start a support group and actually be the help for others.

    The responsibility I had taken upon myself meant I had to lead by example and I couldn’t be seen been held back by stammering. Fortunately I was introduced to the only SLT in Ghana with an interest in stammering and I believe that was the turning point for me. It was not a formal therapy session per se but we had some sort of an initial assessment where I got to know the nature of my stammer.

    She gave me some books on stammering to read,and one of the materials that really shaped my mindset was “Advice to PWS” by the Stuttering Foundation. The experiences and advice given by these PWS helped shape my mindset. It was not a struggle accepting my stammer anymore.

    How I have been able to cope with stammer-inducing conditions is by having the mindset that it’s okay to stammer. As long as I am communicating effectively then that’s fine. I am more focused on delivering an excellent communication than thinking about how I deliver it. Been committed to be an excellent communicator has built my self-confidence.

    People are likely to identify my as a good communicator than a PWS.


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