
Medications — 1 Comment

  1. In my opinion, the decision on medications for stuttering is complicated and it is not my professional role to determine the “right time” for someone to start taking medication. Those decisions often involve varying degrees of anxiety or depression, or possibly a concomitant disorder such as ADHD or Tourette syndrome (for which medication is often prescribed). It obviously includes a decision reached by a medical specialist who is the person who prescribes medication and who hopefully has a good understanding of stuttering, the person who stutters, and possibly the referral of the speech clinician. The “right time” for a referral may come at any time during the therapy process – very early or later as the client discloses more information. A speech clinician should have enough background in counseling issues to be able to recognize, and possibly even to screen for things that warrant a referral. We should then work as a team in addressing the needs of the client who stutters. I am glad that ASHA is addressing team building to best serve clients. In this case, the team may involve the person who stutters, a doctor, a counselor, a speech clinician, and perhaps others including teachers, family members, etc.