About the People Who Stutter (in alphabetic order by last name):
Elias Apreko helped set up the Ghana Stammering Association in 2013 to meet the needs of persons who stammer (stutter) in Ghana. He currently works as the president of the GSA. Elias is passionate about giving people who stutter a voice and helping them live successful lives in spite of their stutter.
Anita S. Blom, born and raised in the Netherlands, is living in Sweden. She worked as an operation manager for the Workers’ Educational Association. She was chairperson of the local stuttering chapter, board member, international contact and former chairperson of the Swedish stuttering association, vice chair of the European League of Stuttering Associations, and member of the advisory board for the International Stuttering Association. She was a national and international keynote speaker on stuttering and had her own stuttering consultant company. She was also a leader of national and international children and youth camps. She has stuttered since she was 9 and had a troublesome youth, now inspiring people who stutter of all ages, they can make a difference.” Her device is “S-s-sure I s-s-stutter. What are you good at?”
I am Vishal Gupta from Bangalore, India, an engineer and working in UK based MNC as a UX Specialist. I am a person who stutter since the age of 3 and still stammer with high confidence and acceptance. I used to running very famous stammerfreely hangout for 5 year and given shows on Indian radio FM’s and a part of The Indian stammering association from last 8 year and also was a Delhi chapter coordinator for 5 years.
Hanan Hurwitz is an Electronics Engineer by profession and an independent Quality Management consultant. He has extensive experience in diverse disciplines, having worked during his career in Electronics and Software Development, Project Management, Account Management, Technical Support, Business Development, Marketing and Quality Management. Hanan is also a Person Who Stutters, and is presently the coordinator of activities for the Israeli Stuttering Association, AMBI. He started his journey of understanding stuttering in 2010, when he attended the National Stuttering Association annual conference. Hanan has invested intensely in furthering his understanding and use of research and key concepts about stuttering, and devotes time to helping other people who stutter, and their families, to thrive.
Pamela Mertz is an active member of the world stuttering community. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the National Stuttering Association in the USA and is team leader for the NSA’s new workplace stuttering initiative, We Stutter @ Work. She is a founding member of the global initiative 50 Million Voices that seeks to share best practices and collaborate to create better career outcomes for people who stutter. She just finished a 3-year term as a Board member of the International Stuttering Association. She is a blogger, podcaster, activist for women who stutter and an international speaker. Pam lives in Albany, New York, USA.
Satu Nygren is a person who stutters with several years of experience of volunteering in stuttering associations in Finland and Iceland. She has been involved in international stuttering conferences and projects, especially concentrating on young people who stutter, ages between 18-30. Her latest projects in the stuttering field are the 13th ISA World Congress in Iceland and Erasmus+ Youth Exchanges for young people who stutter. She is also involved in Erasmus+ funded project about a creating a manual for youth workers to support young people who stutter.
Scott Palasik is a person who can stutter. He says “can” because at times he does not, and at times he does. This allows him flexibility with his thoughts. Growing up he struggled with his perceptions of his stuttering. This struggle hit a climax at age 18 when he became suicidal. Over the many years since that dark time, he has found that success for him is working on his mindset and his approach entering into speaking situations, in order to develop confidence for the words he chooses to say, and compassion for himself and those he is attempting to communicate with. He has been part of the stuttering community as a leader of stuttering support groups or a member for over 14 years. Scott has participated in all kinds of therapy, finding value and learning from every single one. He believes we can learn from any experience, and any person, even if we disagree with that person and that experience. There is always something new to learn.