
Family & Friend Fridays — 5 Comments

  1. Hi.
    Thanks for the info on NAMI, Since NAMI is a USA organization, and this is an international conference, do you perhaps have information on similar organizations in other countries?


  2. Hello Nora,
    Thank you for sharing such great information. I have never heard of NAMI before, and it sounds like a great organization for individuals who are struggling with a mental illness to become involved in. As a future SLP, I am wondering, how would you encourage an individual who stutters that is struggling with anxiety or depression to get help through an organization like NAMI? I strongly agree that it is very important for people to become educated on stuttering and the mental illnesses that may be influenced by stuttering.

  3. Hello,
    I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post, and respect your views on stuttering and mental illness. I’m a psychology major, so I’m very passionate in helping others cope with mental illnesses. It’s extremely important to have outputs like NAMI and The Stuttering Foundation of America. Everyone deserves to be respected and understood in every way. I’m new to this site, and I noticed that International Stuttering Awareness Day is celebrated on October 22nd. What all does the online conference do to celebrate this? That’s something very interesting and awesome! I wan’t previously aware that there was an International Stuttering Day, so that’s very neat to learn that there is one!
    Thank you!
    -Sarah Daniel

  4. Hello,

    Nora, what a wonderful piece you wrote and great reminders of the pride and support we have for each other.