Research into self-reported recovery methods?
Greetings everyone! Let me kick off the questions with this one. While there is a growing body of work by researchers and SLPs to treat stuttering, there is also some evidence of effective methods and techniques that PWS have arrived … Continue reading →
How do you address self-esteem issues in people who stutter?
Stuttering can have an ongoing impact on the self-esteem of an individual. When providing treatment, does any aspect of the treatment include the self-esteem issues that may be associated with stuttering?
Fluency from imitation?
Has anyone explored the effect that when I block on a word, I can suddenly say the same word fluently if I hear another person say it? It almost seems like my brain has forgotten what that words sounds like, … Continue reading →
Thank you
I would like to start this feedback with a big thank you to all of the participants, authors and experts, I am so glad you were all willing to take up a new forum style and delivery format, I appreciate … Continue reading →
Research or studies of ‘fluent’ stutterers?
Hello experts! There’s been a lot of work on the development of treatments for adult people who stutter to improve fluency, but even after treatment there is often an inexorable decline in fluency, leaving the person who stutters back at … Continue reading →
The Australian Speak Easy Association group in New South Wales will hold a forum talking about stuttering at Sydney University on September 23 from 1 to 2pm, and at Macquarie University on October 16. This is the fourth year this event … Continue reading →