When do you feel the most yourself?
Hello! I am a second year graduate student named Avery Fray. I wanted to know how I can make therapy sessions feel the most comfortable for PWS. What, in your experience, has been the most natural setting? What has been the most helpful? Thank you for your time!
The question you ask in the title differs a bit from the questions posed in the text of the question.
To the question when do I feel the most myself? I am at my best when I am with other people who stutter, be it at a small support group meeting, a regional event with 100-200 people and at conferences of over 800 people who stutter.
I feel I am the best version of myself when I can just “be” in the presence of my tribe. When I don’t have to worry about filters or rudeness or impatience.
I think it’s crucial to try to bring people who stutter together. The in real life support does so much for our esteem and confidence.
This is absolutely when I am at my best self.