
What is the duration of therapy for a person who stutters (PWS) to gain the confidence to speak? — 2 Comments

  1. Dear Marissa,

    HI! Thank you for asking questions, that helps us all learn and grow.

    You ask a great question, and one that has no answer to it. Speech therapy as a practice with a Licensed and Skilled SLP can last AMY amount of time. It can eb and flow, and many people who stutter have probably had several therapist in a life time.

    The skill of communication and performing therapy on ourselves is a life long process. We are always wanting to grow and evolve. People who stutter are no different.

    You asked about the duration of therapy for a PWS to gain confidence. CONFIDENCE is a great thing. For a PWS to gain confidence with an SLP, there might need to be several factors in place:
    1) The PWS’s willingness to be there, listen and learn
    2) The SLP’s willingness to listen, learn and be with the PWS
    3) The PWS having an open mind
    4) The SLP having an open mind
    5) The PWS knowing they do not know everything about stuttering just because they stutter. They know about their stutter, that might be true
    6) The SLP knowing they do not know everything about stuttering just because they have had any amount of clients.

    These are just FEW of the many factors that enter into a relationship that can foster and build confidence in a support environment. It takes both sides. You could the best SLP and a client not ready for therapy and no progress will be made. And, you could the most willing and ready client and an SLP who is not open to treatment, and progress will not be made. Progress takes a team.

    Does this make sense. I want to give others a chance to jump in here too. There is SO MUCH MORE TO SAY!!!

    With compassion and kindness,

  2. Hi Marisa!
    I so much follow Scott’s response above. As he states, progress takes usually a team, and there are so many factors which are influencing the therapy outcome.

    I would like to add that the intensity of the therapy approach, as well as the persons willingness to do the training/exposure work in between sessions may play a major role as well. Depending on age, as well as the complexity of the persons’ situation/challenges, some persons may need less than 6 visits within a period of 3 months, and some persons may need many more sessions within a much longer time period (1 year ++). In my clinical practice, I am usually asking the persons themselves (adolescents/adults) about what they need to achieve their goals in the working alliance/collaborative work, and within this concept, they may suggest several relevant factors which may influence their personal development. Within this joint decision process, a realistic number of sessions may be included in this response. Note that people who stutter in Norway are eligible for free speech-language service, and this access to speech-language therapy is not limited based on age, and usually neither on number of sessions.