
Weekly online discussion groups — 2 Comments

  1. This is a great initiative Gunars. People who stutter can benefit greatly from associating and communicating with other people who stutter and or fear the possibility of stuttering in certain situations. There are many Zoom and Skype groups that have popped up around the world over the recent times but there can never be too many.Time zones of course can be an issue. Finally can I say that such an initiative can also help student speech pathologists as there is never enough information about the phenomenon of stuttering that is available in their classes. Learning by speaking to people who stutter can be an added dimenesion to their education so they should also be encouraged to attend.

  2. Hi Gunars

    There are many ways to connect with other PWS, through FB, Hangouts, Whatsapp, Zoom etc. Groups for people who just want to talk, groups for those who want to do speech training, groups for different subgroups as women who stutter, LBTQ etc. I’ve been, and am, in many groups and what I learned is that most people just want to talk, no therapy attached, and that those who want do speech training perfer to do so with PWS leading the exercises.

    Stay safe and keep talking


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