
Weekend Wrap-up: Bridging a Gap — 2 Comments

  1. Michael,

    What an important memory with present day importance. I had the good fortune of having a wonderful SLP in my 5th grade year. There was such a difference in how I presented at home. My parents notice and in 7th grade I began private sessions with the SLP. The bonus was that she gave my parents a cut rate and came to my home. This continued for six years. It was a beautiful experience with great support and a place to build my self worth.

    Yet I still lived with an extremely strong negative self image. Eventually I worked with a psychotherapist. I was able to understand the impact of growing up with a negative experience of stuttering. Together we slowly unraveled the negative thoughts and feelings. It’s been a positive experience ever since.

  2. Thanks, Michael, for sharing your personal story here. I also appreciate that you have tied in the ways that mental health professionals can help people who stutter with the myriad issues that the experiences of stuttering bring on.
