
Wednesday Words: Today’s word is “Vulnerability” — 4 Comments

  1. Dear Elizabeth-
    Thank you this is a great topic. There are many ways that this can apply to stuttering: to take the time I need to speak, rather than rushing through my words, is to feel vulnerable to the person I am speaking to. Another example of vulnerability is to talk about stuttering with people in my life.

    • Jeff,

      Beautiful examples of how vulnerability lives in the day to day. Thank you for that reminder.


  2. Thank you Elizabeth for this beautiful reminder of our being. It’s a coincidence that I’m reading Daring Greatly by Dr. Brown- all about vulnerability. For me, it’s about what you vividly expressed- the sides of this “stuff” and then feeling whole. Just feeling whole 🙂

    • Liz,

      Thank you for you thoughts. I have been looking at this book, you inspire me to move forward with it.
