
Tuesday Transformations: Words, essays, poems, videos (Ted Talks), and photos of expression of our personal/professional transformations as a stutterer, mental health professional, and the merge of the together — 2 Comments

  1. Awesome post, Elizabeth. I am so grateful for “play” as a kid who stuttered. It was my outlet, my “voice” in the world; my past time and a way to be seen. I loved board games as well as a kid. I enjoy them as much today when I play with my nieces and nephews. I used to avoid games where I would have to talk – But today I play Scattegories with my nieces and nephews – and they wait for me to read my list at the end of each game. I play Cards for Humanity with my adult friends (who I feel safe to openly stutter) and enjoy being a part of a “talking game.”

    As a kid, sports were so essential to my self esteem. I continue that love today.

    Thanks for your posts. I hope I get a moment to list to the NPR post, and read the NY Times article.

    Thanks !!!