
Tuesday Transformations: Words, essays, poems, videos (Ted Talks), and photos of expression of our personal/professional transformations as a stutterer, mental health professional, and the merge of the together — 4 Comments

  1. Jeff, Great post. Thank you. Nick Weaver sounds like a wonderful person who is sharing his experience to inspire other people who stutter. As a PWS, I relate to your experience of not having work or life goals. I felt that others had little expectations of me as well. I did not attend college after high school, and was unsure where I fit in the world. Fortunately I was able to gain support of friends in my 20s who encouraged me to attend a Community College. I slowly began to create a direction in my life. I can also say the Counselor at the Community College guided me and was at my undergrad graduation at SFSU.

    All the best, Jeff.

  2. Thank you, Nora for sharing your experience. Through the years I have overcome the shame I felt about my stutter. Folks like Nick Weaver, and you!, continue to help me feel accepting of my self as a person who stutters and in other ways as well.

  3. Jeff,

    Great reminder through this piece. You and I both returned to graduate school in our adult years. I never thought I would get a graduate degree. I always thought it was for “fluent” people. it took a long time for me to take a chance on myself as a stutterer. Taking on a career that requires hours of listening and talking is transformational

    Elizabeth Kapstein