
Talk to A PWS — 3 Comments

  1. Hi Allison,

    Thank you for your question.

    There are actually quite a few resources for PWSs in terms of preparing for job interviews. Here are just a few:

    From the NSA, online mock interviews and tips from an HR employee who stutters:

    Here are seven tips to prepare for a job interview from The Stuttering Foundation:

    And this is from Stamma (UK):

    Many more resources out there but hopefully this helps get you started.


  2. Hi Allison and thank you for your great question

    You already got great resources with websites providing material, and an amazing group of people who prepare PWS and employers for job interviews.

    There are also groups who help and mentor each other. F ex Stamily(.org) has a special Whatsapp group for university students. I think Stamma has some practice/support evenings as well.

    And of course check out @withVR, a VR tool to use when practicing being in a certain environment.

    You role could be to practice with the client, but also to help the client with his self-worth. As a job interview is so tough on everyone, even more for us, I’d never apply for a job I wasn’t sure if I could do it. And with me being used to always be a snippit better, to fight harder, work harder, employers found out that having a PWS in fact can be an asset! So practice and let your client present himself with all his skills, his personality, explaining what stuttering is and where it affects, and not affects, the workplace.

    I practice piublic speaking with a group of PWS, challenging each other with hilariously funny exercises, but also practicing phone calls, job interviews, interrupting each other, using different personalities, etc. So practicing with a group of peers might also be an option.

    Good luck and keep them talking


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