What’s Going On In Denmark?
Rikke Fogh from Denmark takes a minute to let us know what the Danish Stuttering Association is all about and what their most important area of focus really is.
Rikke Fogh from Denmark takes a minute to let us know what the Danish Stuttering Association is all about and what their most important area of focus really is.
Anita Blom from The Swedish Stuttering Association takes a few moments to tell us what’s going on in Sweden in general about stuttering and specifically for ISAD 2018.
Bhupendra Singh Rathore takes a moment to let us know what’s going on with The Indian Stammering Association in India.
A member of the Belgian Association, called “Belgian Association vzw BeSt” takes a moment to share what stuttering activities are going on in Belgium.
Mery El Idrissi from Morocco takes a minute to share about stuttering awareness in Morocco and what activities their self-help group has planned for ISAD.
Casey Kennedy, a SLP and PWS from Toronto, Ontario, Canada who is also a Board member of the Canadian Stuttering Association (CSA) takes a minute to tell us what’s going on in Canada around stuttering and particularly around ISAD 2018. … Continue reading →
Sarah Onofri from the National Stuttering Association in the USA takes a few minutes to share what the NSA is, what they do to help people who stutter and how the organization has impacted her. Check it out!
I am a speech and language pathologist with a big interest for stuttering. I have some questions about subgrouping of persons who stutter. I’m thinking very broadly of genetics, early brain damage/prematurity, brain studies, developmental paths, stuttering patterns in persons … Continue reading →