Showing Acceptance without minimizing the experience of PWS)
Hi Again!
I have a question about conveying acceptance to those who stutter. As someone who doesn’t stutter, how do I tell clients and friends that “stuttering is ok.” I don’t want to give the impression that they should feel this way (increasing shame), or reduce their experiences as people who stutter. As in, by saying this I’m minimizing the impact stuttering has had on them. I’ve said this clients, and as an afterthought I realized, maybe they don’t think it’s ok? I like to try and convey this, and even say it because I know it can be freeing. But, what about when it’s not? I enjoy discussing stuttering and feelings, etc. This is my favorite thing about stuttering and I have no difficulty bringing it up- but I want to make sure I’m being sensitive and taking into account the entire perspective. Any thoughts?
Alison LaJuett, B.A.
Graduate Student Clinician- University of Akron