
Questions for PWS — 4 Comments

  1. Hello Nam,

    Thank you for the question.

    For me,the covert aspect of stammering should be given much focus and attention. I have always held this view that actual stammering is the negative internalized feelings that accompanies one’s speech impairment, and not what we usually hear such as the speech blocks and repetitions.

    If the covert aspect of stammering is not given the needed attention, society will fail to understand the impact that stammering has on persons who stammer(PWS). “Fluent” speakers may just think, “oh its not really a big deal to stammer” as many have said to me. But the one who feels the pain is the better teacher of the experience. The public should be sensitized about this aspect of stammering so that people learn the effective ways of communicating with PWS.

    My perception and attitude towards stammering changed positively over the years when I decided to accept myself as a PWS and not let it hold me back. Since then I have gained much confidence in public speaking; I stammer but with boldness, and I have also overcome the fear of stammering.

    Oh how life becomes simpler when we accept ourselves for who we are!



  2. Hello,

    I’d like people to know that stuttering does not mean there is anything wrong with the person who stutters. It does not mean lower intelligence or poor emotional regulation. It does not mean we are inherently anxious but we do something get anxious when we stutter and sense that it is poorly received.

    Stuttering also doesn’t mean we are hiding anything or lying. If we are pulled over by the police for something and we stutter, it does not mean we are drunk.

    Stuttering is not an illness, impairment or impediment. It is just a different way of talking, like talking fast or having an accent might be different.

    There are so many false assumptions about stuttering. People think if we slowed down, or breathe, that we could control it. Why would anyone think I’m not breathing? Of course I am or I’d be dead.

    It is society which has a problem with stuttering generally not we who stutter. We often think we have to go to therapy and somehow “fix” ourselves so we can conform to a society who is largely intolerant of differences. People don’t understand stuttering, so they make false assumptions instead of making an effort to educate themselves about stuttering.

    Adults who stutter are every bit as competent as someone who doesn’t stutter. And we can help children who stutter (and their parents) see and realize that they are not broken.

    We wouldn’t make assumptions about a wheelchair user that they aren’t trying enough to fix themselves, or assume that a someone’s blindness is their fault.

    My thoughts and perceptions about stuttering changed over the years when I realized stuttering does not define or limit me. And that it’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s a difference, not a defect.


    • Hi Pamela! I had a question after reading your response. What has been the hardest thing to accept about stuttering when speaking to people who do not understand the disorder? For an example, how have you been able to keep calm in situations when people have been rude or inpatient with you?

  3. Hello, I am a student studying Speech and Language and I was wondering how big of an impact stuttering has had in your life? Was it difficult to keep talking when people would talk about your stutter or did a lot of people try and finish your sentences while you were talking?