
Question about (dis)fluency-inducement — 1 Comment

  1. Robert,

    By the time you read this, you will have received an email from me with an invitation to a Zoom session to discuss this topic. As a clinical psychologist/internet coach of how to recover from stuttering and a recovered stutterer, I am both willing and able to discuss the topic in terms of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy or any Cognitive Behavior Therapy.

    You have covered so many topics that to cover all of them we will need to write a paper. If anyone else wants to participate either in the discussion or writing the paper, please contact me.

    Some of the topics include 1) distraction; 2) activating event -> belief -> consequent emotion -> consequent behavior; 3) re-focusing; etc.

    I am confident that by the time you and I get through answering all of your questions you will be well on the way to recovery.
