
Physical Trigger For Stuttering — 2 Comments

  1. I’ll take a shot at your questions, Alex. The answer to most of them is yes. What I mean is that for some, respiration is discoordinated, for others it’s voicing or the articulators (lips & tongue, mostly). Or the coordination between these systems is off. It does appear to be different for different people. But all of those systems involve motor signals originating in the brain. So I would conclude that while stuttering is a neurological disorder, it can be manifested in a variety of ways.

  2. Alex,

    You ask a really interesting question and describe what happens to you so clearly. I think if you would ask your question to the real experts on stuttering – people who live with stuttering – you would get a variety of different answers. Even looking at some of the pictures kids draw about their stuttering from an earlier ISAD online conference (look at you will see that some show there is a problem at the level of the lips or the tongue, some at the level of the larynx, some seem to focus on the brain. So stuttering affects people in different ways.