About the Author:

Martin Jandet started to admit his stammering at age 25. Before that it had been mild to medium and sometimes severe in specific situations. Since then, stammering has been part of the more global process of improving as a person and taking the long path towards acceptance and harmony.

Martin is part of the French stammering association (APB), and has been involved in promoting this vision of stammering, in the self-help group in Paris and also in a video series that shows different ways of perceiving stammering according to the context – in different countries. 

This video describes Martin’s personal story showing how stammering can become helpful.






How Stammering Can Become Helpful – Martin Jandet — 7 Comments

  1. “Fear of being judged by others” — such an important concept that we must let go. Judgement is something that everyone fears and when we can let go of that feeling, we can start to really accept ourselves which you have done a great job to help us understand. What was the break through moment you had?

    • Hi Kunal,
      Thanks for appreciating.
      I did not have ONE break through moment, it is rather a long (still ongoing) process for acceptance and being at peace 🙂

  2. Very nice video! It shows all the work you have done and is an inspiration for many people who stutter, including me

  3. I saw that you are in a self-help group. What are some of the ways that you help those in the group, or give them the confidence to be themselves around others?

    • Hi Julia,

      Thanks for the comment, good question !
      I think the first thing we can share among people who stutter in the self-help group is compassion and acceptance – regardless of the way we speak and of what we say !
      Besides this, I sometimes share some tools and activities that are good for me and that I think can help others as well – such as meditation for example.
      Would you recommend other ways of helping others ? I’m interested!

  4. I absolutely love the way you project your time line. 🙂 So many recognizable things that I can relate to. I’m going to use your time line for other young PWS to tell their journey. So happy you shared this and so funny how you shared it. 😉

    Stay safe and keep talking
