
India — 2 Comments

  1. I attended this conference and it was simply amazing. Many of us will be posting photos and videos and maybe even a list of all the activities we did. I think major recognition is due to Jai Prakash Sunda who goes by the name J.P. He was the conference chair – so to speak – as well as the primary organizer. He led the conference efficiently, ensured everyone participated, and openly invited suggestions to the agenda.

    TISA is an incredible organization doing great things for stutterers/stammerer’s in India. Here’s the link to their website:

    • Hi Dhruv,
      I loved you toastmaster’s video.
      When you see or speak to J.P. / Sachin and the others, please pass on my very best wishes. TISA is a great example to the rest of us in how to start as an acorn and grow into such a strong supportive structure. Well done to you all. Keith