Getting to know a PWS
Hello my name is Karishma and I’m a senior studying communicative disorders at CSUF. We recently had the opportunity to hear from some PWS and a common point brought up is that they felt like some SLPs didn’t get to know them. What are some ways you wished an SLP would’ve gotten to know you, or ways they did get to know you?
Hello Karishma,
Thank you so much for your questions. As an SLP in training and a PWS, I think attending the local stutter help group is a great way to meet and get to know PWS. Listening to what they have say and what stuttering means to them can help you understand stuttering and its impact on the lives of PWS. Also there are Facebook groups for PWS and they welcome SLPs and others who are interested in stuttering. It offers a lot of information about the real life experience of PWS and interesting discussions about various topics.
Thank you so much for your question. Hope my reply helps a little 🙂
Jia Bin
Listen! Don’t focus on fixing!