
Fluency apps — 3 Comments

  1. Hi Stephanie,

    I’m Jack, a PWS and app developer. I created Speech4Good after undergoing fluency shaping therapy myself. I do not wish to promote my app singlehandedly (in fact, the app is free for the month to celebrate ISAD) and I’m not an SLP, but rather provide some insight from someone with an interesting view on both sides:

    I think apps, and mobile/web technology in general, have huge potential to help SLPs and PWS. I do not think this potential has been fully tapped yet. It is extremely challenging to create technology that is, by nature, “one-size fits all” when there are so many unique voices and needs within the speech community. I think the technologies that will win won’t focus on short-term solutions or providing “tools,” but instead will help improve the therapy experience, keep other connected, and improve the network available for PWS.

    I’d love to hear others’ thoughts on this same question. But that’s my take from someone who has seen both sides. Thanks!

  2. Before I begin my answer, let me divulge that I have been involved in the development of the MyLynel app. Having said that, let me agree with Jack on 2 points—there is great potential in this technology & the best apps will be like the best electronic devices in that they do or will work most effectively as adjuncts to (and not replacements for) therapy. In fact, that idea was the reason I got involved in MyLynel in the first place.

  3. I use some of the following apps in sessions:Db ten which helps clients visualize continuous voicing as well as pausing. The paceboard app which helps with fast speech rate, cluttering,segmenting phrases and prolonging vowels. I use the FluencyCoach app so clients can experience altered auditory feedback (DAF and FAF). I also suggest taping clients in the first session and playing it back to them weeks later to show them their progress. I tape the end of each session so the client goes home with models of techniques and they play them as needed for reminders. It helps with generalization of skills outside the sessions. I have them create a set of sentences and phrases they use on a daily basis and we use these as therapy targets.Clients report that hearing these phrases helps them with carryover outside of the clinic. I have also videotaped myself stuttering and asked my client to provide advice to me as if they were the SLP. It helps them to solidify their skills because ultimately they need to be their own best teacher. A list of apps for fluency may be found on my website as well as other sites. I am not promoting any of these apps, just suggesting that apps may be useful to support client progress both within and outside the clinic setting. I find technology and apps very useful and look forward to additional developments.