
Building Confidence — 1 Comment

  1. Dear Norahemminger,

    HI! Great question! Thanks for asking questions and advocate for learning more about stuttering.

    Gaining confidence is a personal journey we all take. Let me ask you, what is something you do that you want to do better, or do more of, or grow with? Stuttering is no different than anything else that might give someone self-doubt.

    For people who stutter, we can do practice conservations, mock interviews, empower them with language and education about stuttering, provide resources, allow people to explore their values, and teach the practice of being present. When we start to live by our chosen values we can gain confidence in all we do. When we begin to live life more and more mindful and present, the concepts of worry and rumination begin to take a back seat. The more we can be with our thoughts, the more can adjust them if we wish to do so.

    Confidence can come from practice, exposure, and honest feedback both internal and external.

    Does that help?
    With compassion and kindness,

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