
Best Way to be an Advocate? — 2 Comments

  1. Hello Sarah, Elizabeth, and Maggie,
    One of the best ways to advocate for your client who stutters is to work with that client to make a class presentation on stuttering. It would be ideal if your client wanted to help you give the presentation, but if not, it would be great to get your client’s permission to give the presentation. Presentations like this can start with stuttering “facts,” but end with a section on bullying and teasing. It is quite empowering to educate classmates. You can also work to help find your client a friend who will be there for him or her. Someone your client can sit next to at lunch, hang out with at recess, will be very helpful. I’m glad you read Ian Mahler’s post about resilience; do check out Elizabeth Wislar and Hope Gerlach’s post about advocacy, too.
    Hope this helps, and kind regards,

    • Dear Jean,
      Thank you so much for your response! This is great information that we will take with us when we begin our CFY next fall. We will also be sure to read the posts about advocacy as well. Thank you again!