
Awareness — 2 Comments

  1. As to your first question, I want people to know and understand that stuttering is so much more than what comes out of our mouths. All the internal shame and guilt and feeling of inadequacy are often more trouble than the actual stuttering moment.

    I would tell my younger self “it does get easier.” When we mature and learn to build resilience so that we don’t care as much about what others think, we then find it much easier to just be ourselves and just stutter.


  2. Hi. Thank you for your wonderful questions. So happy to reply.

    I want people to see me as any other. Don’t feel sorry for me, don’t “help” or give “advice”, don’t look away and don’t think I’m any less intelligent, simply because I stutter. Let me finish, remain eye contact, and listen to what I say instead of how I say it. And be honest. If you don’t have time to listen, tell me. If you wonder about stuttering, or don’t know how to react, ask me. And most of all, don’t tell me how I should “get rid” of my stutter. That’s not up to you.

    I would tell my younger self (and have told children and young adults who stutter during 25 years of stutter camps) to love and accept myself no matter what, as I have to live with myself. Trying to be as (I think) others want me to is to loose myself. Stuttering is not my fault, so there should be no shame. And as there is no shame, I shouldn’t have to be forced to be hide or “cure” it. That’s up to me to decide. I’d tell my younger self to make sure what I say is worth repeating. I’d say turn your stutter into your trademark and let people remember you for being a superhero, doing what’s hard, but doing it anyway, every day, all day. That takes guts and determination. And to go for my dreams, no matter what, no matter what others say. As a determined person will get there anyway. And to make sure my personality and knowledge are good enough. Not the best, as who wants to be with someone who’s always the best in everything? If any, to be me best self, without comparing myself to others. if YOU want to work on your speech, find a clinician that fits you, as it takes someone you truts to make therapy work. Be honest and tell her/him what you want help with, as you might have different opinions about that. And if you don’t match, keep looking, as there will be that clinician who is your perfect match with whom you’ll get great results. And don’t let people tell you to go for that quick fix, as if it sounds too good to be true, it is. But most of all, to not feel alone. Find others who stutter. Go to camps and conferences. Chat online and make new friends from all over the world.

    We’re getting better at stuttering awareness and inclusion, but there’s so much more that can be done. And I hope you’ll help the next generation with that.

    Stay safe and keep educating

    Anita Blom

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