Monday Modalities
As a person who stutters I grew up feeling that I could have few professional goals. To now be working as a psychotherapist, a profession in which I sit all day talking with people, is more than I ever could … Continue reading →
As a person who stutters I grew up feeling that I could have few professional goals. To now be working as a psychotherapist, a profession in which I sit all day talking with people, is more than I ever could … Continue reading →
Bringing together all of our thoughts into how we view ourselves as therapists, our contributions to the professional mental health and speech language world. In this segment we will be introducing: Road to becoming a therapist How we became therapists, … Continue reading →
Bringing together all of our thoughts into how we view ourselves as therapists, our contributions to the professional mental health and speech language world. This is our first “Weekend Wrap-up.” In this segment we will be introducing: Who we are … Continue reading →
It was tough as a child wondering why my siblings did not stutter. Why was I the chosen one? I learned that my dad stuttered and my mom’s brother stuttered. It was clear that stuttering was in the family genes, … Continue reading →
Today I am starting with a photo from the past from a summer day a few years ago. It’s a memory of a beautiful day playing at Coney Island, NY. In the photo are fellow-stutterers, Barry Yeoman and Nora O’Connor, … Continue reading →
Wednesday, October 1, 2014 Daily Theme: Wednesday Modalities Welcome to the start of “Connecting to Others: The Role of Mental Health Professionals in the Stuttering Community” in the on-line conference at the International Stuttering Awareness Day On-line Conference this October … Continue reading →
In the lead up to the International Stuttering awareness Day in October, we are working with The Australian Stuttering Research Centre to hold forums at Sydney and Macquarie Universities. We will be speaking to final year students who will be … Continue reading →
This is Akihiro Aoki. I belong All Japan Genyukai Association and I want to introduce about ISAD in Japan. There are 32 stuttering self-help organizations as “Genyukai” and many events that were matched with the ISAD will be held at each … Continue reading →
The French association (Association Parole–Bégaiement) have already created their own ISAD logo version. Keep an eye on their website for details of activities in France.
The Indian Stammering Association (TISA) will be holding it’s national conference on 4-6 October at 10, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi, Dehli. Visit this link for full details.