Questions for Professionals
Hi! My name is Julia Reeves and I am an SLP grad student at Idaho State. I am currently taking a fluency course and learning a lot about stuttering. I have been exposed to many great resources thus far in the course but am curious to learn about more resources that have been beneficial to you as professionals? Are there any particular resources that you share with clients and families?
HI! Great questions! What you can do is pass on everything you are learning in your class to families, a little at a time. This arms clients and family with knowledge and allows them to take ownership of that information.
I also provide links to all of the major stuttering resources and organizations so clients and families can get connected.
Lastly I provide clients and families with videos (online or recent movies like WHEN I STUTTER) so clients and families can SEE other people who stutter.
That is some basics. I’m glad you are getting a great education at Idaho State!!!
Be you. Be well!
With compassion and kindness,