
How to talk to other SLPs — 1 Comment

  1. Dear Silva,

    HI! Thank you for writing and asking questions. Did you have Dr. Huddock? If so, tell him Scott Palasik says hi! I love him!

    I learned many things after graduating from graduate school. Many! When I left graduate school I thought I knew everything. when I started working, I realized I learned a lot, and there is always more to learn from anyone we meet, if we are open to listen. when we go into a situation assuming one person thinks one way, we have the answers, then we are not being open to what they might have to say.

    I bring up the above because we want to let other explain how they do therapy. We want our peers to tell us who they learned therapy, what their results are, and how they think they can adjust or improve their treatment skills before judging them.

    You brought up the work “attack.” If we have a conversation about ideas, perspectives, and OPTIONS of treatment approaches, we are then not attacking each other, we discussing ideas that CAN help. In order to have a conversation of options, we have to let go of our ego of what we think is “Right” or “Wrong” and approach peers and conversations with a willingness to be open. This might be a life lesson for a conversation, and not just practice with engaging with peers.

    Does the above help?

    My mom always taught me, “Let kindness and an open heart and mind lead your actions.” This is true with conversation with peers about different approaches to stuttering.

    Thanks for asking questions!
    With compassion and kindness,