
Speech as a digital tool – an exiting project in Sweden — 4 Comments

  1. Wow. Thank you for sharing this perspective. I’ve never thought about a person who stutters in relation to speech controlled devices. I’m excited about the new project and not only what it will add to a person who stutters life, but I’m just happy that something is being done.

    • Thanks, Taylor. You made my point exactly. 🙂 Most people, companies and authorities don’t realize the problem these services and devices cause for PWS, but also for people who clutter, who are hoarse, immigrants, etc.

      In Sweden you meet a speech controlled service even when calling the medical service and the police, which both could be stressful situations. And how much I’d like to, Google Home is not for me, and I want to throw out my GPS, as it doesn’t understand me, while I need it for safe driving.

      Do have a listen to the presentation of the project.
      And if you’re interested to follow the project, do stay in touch with Björk).

      Happy ISAD


  2. This is so cool! I am not a PWS but I am just happy that something is being done for those who are. I can’t even begin to imagine how difficult a PWS has when trying to communicate with a speech controlled device and not being able to communicate what they need to efficiently. I imagine it’s frustrating, discouraging, and can make you just want to give up. Hopefully, this project will bring some answers! I would love to keep up with this project to see what can be done!

    • Thanks. yes, it is stressful to never know on forhand if you get to speak to a person or a machine, knowing how high the hurdle to make a phone call to begin with! And so many other devices are voice controlled nowadays. Do have a listen to the presentation of the project.
      And if you’re interested to follow the project, do stay in touch with Björk).

      keep talking
