
Teaching Self-Advocacy for young PWS — 1 Comment

  1. This is a excellent question I think, because I am older and the support for parents and families in my situation just wasnt there.Self advocacy for me was never there untill I was an adult. I just thought as a child I had a bossy tongue in my mouth which I have written a poem about if it is any help to you I can send it to you if you are allowed to pm me I not sure of the rule on here. When I was an adult and I was finally able to look at following my dream to be an early childhood teacher it was a group of friends who gave me support and encouraged me and I was able to build up my self esteem .you are right too self advocacy in my day as I said it just wasn’t possable in my situation and I sure I never learnt i just thoguth this was my world .As an adult also even though I was able to acheive my dream with the support of friends and colleagues, I found finding these face book pages and the people in them really helped me. I hope this comment helped answer your question feel free to ask any more questions if you want too.. once again I was really impressed with your question.Kind regards Phyllis.