
Weekend Wrap-ups: Bringing together all of our thoughts into how we view ourselves as therapists, our contributions to the professional mental health and speech language world — 2 Comments

  1. Great article. Thanks for posting. I have imagined creating an app for those with anxiety (for my clients – not just random people). I better get going on my idea since I learned there are many mental health apps.

    I believe that daily reminders (i.e. remember to breathe or have you taken a walk around the block today and others) would be helpful for PWS who can benefit from receiving such notices.

    The SSMP had an app developed to practice techniques with, and also to do recordings to send to your SLP.

    Check out this app.
    iChill by Trauma Resource Institute, Inc.

    I believe there is strong value in creating an App for people who stutter. Let’s do it.

    Thanks, Michael.

  2. These are a great number of apps. They are very useful as a therapist to have on hand for our clients. Here is an application that I quite a bit with my clients: Stop, Breathe & Think:

    On another note I would absolutly enjoy working on an application. Years ago I worked in the technology field and worked on application development, this would be wonderful to collaborate on.